How to get the cluster output data from a cluster file

Hi all,

How do i get the cluster output data from a cluster file.
If i create a new cluster from file the output is empty.

string Path = "None";
DA.GetData(0, ref Path);

GH_Cluster Cluster = new GH_Cluster();
DA.SetDataTree(0, Cluster.Params.Output[1].VolatileData);

some hints to get the cluster data would be welcome.

I assume when the cluster is not running it can’t compute the data, maybe you will need to run the file in background

            string Path = "None";
            DA.GetData(0, ref Path);
            GH_Cluster Cluster = new GH_Cluster();

            GH_Document doc = new GH_Document();
            doc.Enabled = true;
            doc.AddObject(Cluster, true, 0);
            IGH_Structure data = Cluster.Params.Output[1].VolatileData;

            DA.SetDataTree(0, data);
            DA.SetData(1, data.GetType());

Yep its working.
Do you know how do i get the Param.Output:Access type (item,list,tree) of the cluster output? gives all time item no matter if its a tree or list.