How to get rid of text in panel tabs?

Maybe I’m having some memory lapses here (AKA senior moment), but I can’t seem to remember how to kill the text in the panel tabs. The illustrations should explain.

Can someone remind me how to do this? The obvious settings don’t seem to affect the panel tab icons.



Hi Dan- panels are not really the same as toolbars - they don’t know about toobar options, and I don’t think there is a way to get rid of the Panels text- they do shrink down to the icon if you crowd enough of them together but I can’t see a way to stop the text altogether.


Hi Pascal,

I could swear at some point I had panel tabs without text. Maybe it was early in the beta or WIP stages? Or maybe my memory is not very reliable. That’s probably the case.

Could I submit this, then, as an enhancement request for V6? I think if one was to use only icons in toolbars, then doing the same in panels would be desired and/or expected.



added as

These are not yet available to the public.

