How to get Curvature Interval(max and min) of Surface

All,How to get Curvature Interval(max and min) of Surface using c# component?

You mean something like this?

var surface_curvature = srf.CurvatureAt(uv.X, uv.Y);
point = surface_curvature.Point;
normal = surface_curvature.Normal;
maximum_principal_curvature = surface_curvature.Direction(0);
maximum_principal_curvature = surface_curvature.Direction(1);
gaussian_curvature = surface_curvature.Gaussian;
mean_curvature = surface_curvature.Mean; (16.8 KB)

But I am not mean to get the Curvature at a certain uv point!
I want to get the max and min Curvature of the surface.