How to generate a helicoid shape spiral surface?

Hi everyone,

Currently, I’m trying to explore helicoid surfaces and, I am trying to regenerate this spiral surfaces from a project called POTRERO HILL BRANCH LIBRARY by Khoa Vu. But I don’t know where to start. Any suggestion is appreciated!


Did you find a way to do it ?
Thanks !

In Rhino create a curve using Helix, then Surface using Ribbon.

Hello @KETHEES_Saranya
I think a good way to start is to look to the documentation by the architect.

The first step is to make the 2 spiral/helix stairs but I am not sure it is as simple as indicated by @davidcockey,!
2 helix stairs are in a box, then …


Thank you ! I will try that

Thanks, I’ll have a look at that !