How to create a press fit lid for circular hole

I created lamp base and at the bottom there is a hole for cable. I want to make some sort of lid for that hole so that cable can’t fall out.

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And share more informations like the production process, the material, the purpose of your 3D model… etc.

lampbase.stl (234.8 KB)
Hey, here is my stl. I am making a lamp base with 3d printer with PLA. So I would like a little help, how to make simple lid for this hole on bottom and aslo that it doesn’t stick out and make lamp unstable. I hope this helps

if that is basically just for you and you want to make a lamp for yourself for the first time that would a totally valid thing to ask here, the entire thing can get bitter fast if you are employed somewhere and asking others to do your job, not blaming but just to have that pointed out because many questions are popping up here like chat gpt requests.

why dont you share your rhino file? if you have such a technical question that requires some modelling expertise and design knowledge then a mesh model is a very bad starting point for others to give you advice.

since its a very simple object i went ahead and rebuilt it quickly from the mesh you provided. i have no dedicated design expertise since my profession is more about architecture if at all my suggestion might just be a mere starting point if any at all.

but to answer your question a bit better there are also questions open, what material is that for instance is it hollow inside or is it made from solid concrete, wood?

anyhow a starting point of some sort:
in your design process go back before you chomped a hole into the base extrude the curve you used to boolean it out and use boolean split instead that will keep the volume for the hole.

here you can go ahead and make a further hole with a bit tolerance to fit your cable through and voila. you might have to think about embedding a lip that engulfs both sides to keep it in also i assume that cap would be made from plastic or rubber and could easily be fitted into the hole after the base was established rubber then could be solid, plastic you might have to hollow it out and make a pathway for the cable, i am not going to do all that since this a rather intricate design process which you as a designer should develop yourself also.

Thank you for your detailed feedback and suggestions! I truly appreciate the time you took to rebuild the model and provide insights based on your experience. Let me clarify some points and address your questions.
I’m not a designer, I am learning rhino for myself and I am still a beginner, so maybe it’s a simple question but for me it is complicated and also I haven’t found anything on youtube or somewhere else to help me with this kind of press fit.

I am sorry for providing you only stl, I thought you just want to take a look how it looks like. I’m not asking anyone to do the job just to give me idea how this press fit should look like. So, I think you missunderstood what I’m asking.

So, I need just some kind of lid for this opening

I thought of making some kind of this (not exact same, just smilar), but I’m not sure what shape should be good for this

Why don’t you move the hole up?

That was in my first design, but then I need to reasamble cables

You can still move it up and cut through so you plug is a easier shape.


I will try that :smiley:

ok :slight_smile:

some feeling “funny today” admin deleted my last post :no_mouth:, but why why why… well if it makes you feel better good samariter admin. i am still confused as to why you would believe that i did not understand what you want… the mere ok did not solve that either :wink:

anyway i had some time now and gave it a thought, though i like the example from @ftzuk which is probably how it is solved often, but if you want to try an alternative without changing your initial shape you could maybe also make something in this direction, it would hold itself in place due to its shape without falling out.

A suggestion.

There are a ton of standard size, cord grommet/strain relief insert assortments like this:

You might order an assortment to find a size that suits your design taste and cable size exactly and then make the opening a few thousands smaller for a snug fit both inside the model and inside against the cable … the first time. :blush:

Best regards,