How to control the draw order of annotation dots in V8?

I can only see them when I switch everything off.
I want them being ion top of everything (typical Elefront). I know there’s been discussion about it but I can’t figure out where the control is gone.

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Maybe this one? Grasshopper Text Dot visibility/overlap

It seems like there is no solution to it without involving Python :-/

Hi Piotr -

I’ll need more information on this one…


Here is the simple example: Annotation Dot placed at a surface point:

You can see annotation dot as long as it is larger that object in the scene, otherwise it is being obstructed:

After removing the Custom Preview component

Hi @Piotr,

Text dots should display always on top of the model.
This is fixed on the current WIP and will be available on next 8.17

How about the points that remain on the screen when there is no text to display? We do not want them.

There is no text to display but there is a text dot there.
This is how it looks in Rhino when it contains no text.

You can always Cull your input before like this.

I am used to clean solutions delivered by Elefront, but I have to live with V8 and adjust.
Thanks for reply