Hello everyone,
Is there a way I can control the random reduce or even the populate geometry so the geometry could go to the path I want?
Daught pis.gh (12.6 KB)
Hello everyone,
Is there a way I can control the random reduce or even the populate geometry so the geometry could go to the path I want?
Daught pis.gh (12.6 KB)
sorry mate! here it is:
Daught pis.gh (14.7 KB)
Draw your path (a curve) in Rhino , then use Curve Closest Point with the curve and your points as input. Then cull all points that are not within a certain distance.
You can use the power of RemeshByColour
So make a mesh of your shape. Here a quad mesh to have some regular points. Measure distance to the curve for each point of the mesh. Color the mesh.
Looks great - also, are you using a plugin to display the viewport on top of the Grasshopper canvas?
It is also possible to use another metric, instead of distance to the curve I use
distance to the curve/(distance to the curve + distance to the border) so it gives a value between 0 and 1.
I think it is nicer
Daught pisLD v2.gh (15.9 KB)
Marvelous! This idea is so good!
Is this possible to do but with a quad mesh? And have it be more subdivided or less rectangles according to color/attractor geoemetry?
This looks alot like something I’ve been trying to do myself, although much smarter.
I am always starting with a SubD surface in my line of work so had to convert that into Brep first. However couldn’t get the pattern in the end to look like the Gradient.
If you have the time I would love it if you could take a look at the file with my simple hand brace?
Thank you in advance.
Arm Brace Sample.3dm (5.0 MB)
Daught pisLD v2 (linus copy).gh (13.1 KB)
You were not very far from the result but you over constrain the remeshing.
Don’t forget to toggle the button for the reset
Thank you!
This looks so good. I’m missing a plug-in or so I think. Can you let me know which one this is?
It is Dendro, I just used it to show the output. More visible than curves. It is not mandatory as you didn’t ask for meshes. Also my way of doing is very bad. Like I said just for the render.
But if you want good output it is not difficult, there are tons of example of how using Dendro, and there is a good documentation.
Heal Meshes is form Nautilus plugin but could be not necessary if mesh is good.
Nautilus (here not free tool) allows some differents outputs of the dual mesh.
Ahh fair enough, I’ll download Dendro and I will consider Nautilus (the renders look amazing from Nautilus).
I just stuck the Dual Mesh into a Multipipe → Mesh from SubD and then into Wb Subdivision. More then good enough of a mesh for printing I hope. Will start the print in the morning!
Can’t thank you enough!
IN order to pipe there are many tools. If the network is quite regular there are some nice tool like “Fatten” but to my point of view Dendro is best for “messy” curves points with many many points.
Also if you want to pipe your network, I think you have some work to do in order to not cross the limit surface of the “arm”.
So for each point to “Volumize” find the closest point on you limit surface, then move it up to the half thickness.
This is not difficult to do but it will guarantee that all your prints will fit well the arms and not compress them too much.
My thought was to offset the subd from the begining to compensate for the end thickness.
Considering my grasshopperexperience started a month back I haven’t started thinking in these terms you are suggesting.
In your example you have set the Point to volume with a radius of 1. Meaning the end mesh"struts" have a Thickness of 2 and “digg” 1mm into the arm?
Don’t hesitate if you are stuck somewhere. But on this type of subjects many discussions could be found.