The reason I ask this question is I am trying to see if I can achieve a batch view snapshot capture. After some research in the forums, I found there are some previous discussions but the bar is too high and is not very user friendly.
However, I am not sure if the process in my mind is possible:
A list of view name is given
Find the rhino view object
Make the view active
Capture the view to a jpg/png file
I get stuck at step 2, cause I can only find some precedence that help getting rhino view object in the view layout. If I have 4 view layouts, I can only get views amount those layouts.
A related question for me to learn. It seems in your script, nv is a list/arry. Correct me if I am wrong, when I print it to see its content, it returns its objects location in the RAM. Is there a way I can see what it actually contains?
Thank you Pascal! I have moved to step 3 and have some new issues.
ViewCaptureSettings give me an error saying it requires a RhinoPageView instead of a RhinoView. But the API doc says it takes both. Did I do anything wrong?
Also, I am trying to make similar thing with Snapshots, but it does not allow me to use the “for loop”
It seems Snapshots has more document info inside.
Using RhinoCommon you can get the named of snapshots, but that’s it. To perform any snapshot behavior, you’ll need to script the Snapshot command using RhinoApp.RunScript.
Thank you Dale. If I want to have some level of control to the saved properties with snapshot, like layer state, Objects Visibility/Position etc, is there a way I can find all of them with a given Snapshot name or do I need to go to individual Class to set them up?
Hey Dale, a new question under this topic. With using RhinoApp.RunScript, it seems use a space (" “) to separate command. I run into a situation that, my Snapshot name has a space(” ") in it, and it messed up the command chain. Is there a way to deal with that situation?