Hi,i am trying to write a import plugin with c#.But i can’t find the way to modify the document model units before read the file.Can anyone help me?
First of all, make sure you have created a File Import plug-in. Then, in the method where you read the file, you can do the following to adjust the model unit system of the document:
protected override bool ReadFile(string filename, int index, RhinoDoc doc, FileReadOptions options)
doc.AdjustModelUnitSystem(UnitSystem.Millimeters, false);
// read stuff
return true;
Thank you!but i am using Rhino.Net,not Rhinocommon.Is it the same methods?
Oh, ok. Then you need to do something along the lines of
MRhinoDoc doc; // defined elsewhere
On3dmUnitsAndTolerances unitsAndTolerances =
new On3dmUnitsAndTolerances(doc.Properties().ModelUnitsAndTolerances());
unitsAndTolerances.m_unit_system.m_unit_system = IOn.unit_system.millimeters;
As you can see from the complexity of the two code snippets, I can’t encourage you enough to switch to RhinoCommon
OK,i’ll try to switch!Thanks!
I have an other question.which method can replace the “MRhinoDoc::SetTitle”?
I don’t understand the question. What are you trying to do and why?
– Dale
And you are trying this with RhinoCommon, right?
is there any way to change whole rhino unit to meters ?
tnx ( c# , pure plugin )
For one document, use:
doc.AdjustModelUnitSystem(UnitSystem.Meters, false);
If you want to load which units get loaded into a default blank document, you need to adjust which template is loaded, using Tools > Options > Files > Template files > Default
It looks like that can be changed programmatically with https://developer.rhino3d.com/api/RhinoCommon/html/P_Rhino_ApplicationSettings_FileSettings_TemplateFile.htm