How to blend these two intersecting fillets?

I want to blend these two intersecting fillets by G2. I don’t have any idea how to do it. (Just for practice)
Please guide me.
1.3dm (569.8 KB)

Use fillet surface with extend no. On the cylinder and top fillet. Then up the degrees to 5. Use RemoveMultiKnot. Then use remove Remove Knot (point edit tools) to clean any remaining stacked knots. It also helps to move the cylinder surface seem to central position.

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Hello - you can split out this surface


with isocurves from the existing surface, ShrinkTrimmedSrf and then MatchSrf (CurveNearSurface=On) to the exising upper fillety surface, then clean up the ends with MatchSrf (CurveNearSurface=Off)


And retrim…



Can you demonstrate your steps using a file?
I couldn’t make it out.

Can you please show your steps in a file too?
I cannot follow your steps.

Fillet surface does a good job of generating trims where Fillet edge fails. It does not make good surfaces in the process. I recommend deleting them. Then build new surfaces with position blend. Followed by surface match Curvature/Curvature, Preserve isocurve direction.

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But filletsrf doesn’t provide G2.

That’s why you need to deleted those crappy G1 surfaces after join. Then rebuild them as position blends, surface match etc.

I tried to follow some of your steps but I cannot follow the section " then clean up the ends with MatchSrf (CurveNearSurface=Off)".
Can you please specify your steps more clearly?
I couldn’t find “CurveNearSurface=Off”.
1.3dm (347.5 KB)

With VSR you can rebuild the trim edges with Edge approximation.

Here’s how I did this, starting from what you had in place.

1 (PG).3dm (176.6 KB)


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