I want to create a smooth surface tube which goes through cross section circles and. The tube should have a constant, circular cross section all along it’s length.
There are slight creases on the surface of the tubes which I’d liek to eliminate. How do I do that?
When making rods, tubes and pipes, the curves used to create them must have smooth transitions and obey a minimum bend radius, just like real wires and pipes. If you bend a pipe too much, it kinks. If you bend a Rhino pipe too much, you make non-manifold geometry, (or a swollow-tail catastrophe.)
That stated, as long as the curves that form them are smooth, Pipe usually does a pretty good job, like this Solid polysurface coil.
In places you may need to radius and Match the curves. You may also need to chop off the end using difference or wire cut, if it does not go normal/perpendicular to the surface it penetrates.
If you have trouble, the Curvature Graph might show you where gatchas like the little hook, I put on the end of this curve. If you have a break in your spline curve, then you will have an quite apparent mess in the result.
[In real life soft things like wires and hoses will suggest to you what their minimum bend radius is, which is often just a little larger than a wound gentle loop formed by your hands.]