I have tried a few things but none seem to work. A previous suggestion was->
-_Grasshopper _Document _Open "C:/PathToYourGHfile.gh"
I have also tried ->
-_GrasshopperOpen "C:/PathToYourGHfile.gh"
with forward and back slashes.
I just want a Button that opens a particular .gh file.
Rhino 5 & 6 - all up to date. My command line is set for two lines and I missed the error to launch Grasshopper first. All working now that I went back and scrolled the whole chain of events. It is the simple things that can trip you up. Many thanks…
command sequence before fix->
Command: -_Grasshopper
Choose Grasshopper option ( Editor Solver Document Banner ): _Document
Grasshopper Document ( Open Save SaveAs Close CloseAll ): _Open
The Grasshopper Editor is unavailable. You must either Load or Show it before you can access Document functions
Choose Grasshopper option ( Editor Solver Document Banner ): "D:\OneDrive\rcm\Assets\Scripts\Cavity-Core-Grid-03.gh"
Unknown command: "D:\OneDrive\rcm\Assets\Scripts\Cavity-Core-Grid-03.gh"
Choose Grasshopper option ( Editor Solver Document Banner ): _Enter
Choose Grasshopper option ( Editor Solver Document Banner ):