How can i do for this?
I want to use python code made rhino environment panel ( _-EnvironmentEditor), New environment then Add HDR Light Studio environment,How can I write the python code?
then add HDR Light Studio Environment faster
How can i do for this?
I want to use python code made rhino environment panel ( _-EnvironmentEditor), New environment then Add HDR Light Studio environment,How can I write the python code?
then add HDR Light Studio Environment faster
i do not have the “HDR Light Studio environment” on my system but you could try to add one of those environments manually in the UI and save it as *.renv file. Then import it using this python code:
import scriptcontext
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def LoadEnvironment():
# valid path and name of the saved environment
path = r"D:\Temp\Rhino Sky.renv"
name = "Rhino Sky"
# if an environment with this name exists, skip loading it
env_names = [e.Name for e in scriptcontext.doc.RenderEnvironments]
if not name in env_names:
# load from file
cmd = "_RenderLoadEnvironmentFromFile " + chr(34) + path + chr(34)
if not rs.Command(cmd, False): return
# set current environment
cmd = "_RenderSetCurrentEnvironment " + chr(34) + name + chr(34)
rs.Command(cmd, True)
if __name__=="__main__":
There are a few other environment related commands listed here.
Hi Clement,
Thank you very much. It works well. Good Job!