Hi! I am new to Grasshoper, and recently tried nesting with Open Nest. The thing is that in order for the nesting to work I need the parts to follow the direction of the woodgrain (all the rectangles in the same sirection, the longest side of each one matching the longest side of the sheet). Does anyone know how to rotate all the rectangles in order for them to match their longest side?
In the photo, for example, the three big pieces of the bottom left are in a wrong direction.
If your question is to rotate the rectangles on themselves (do they don’t end up elsewhere in the XY plane), yes, add an Area component between the original curves and the reference plane.
Thank you! My problem is actually that the circles inside my rectancles don’t rotate when I use the commands, and the rectangles do, but they don’t do it as a group (I tried grouping them but without results). I also tried using the link for creating a tree branch but because I have circles and not polygons it doesn’t work.