How can I compile a plugin from a Python 3 script for Rhino 8?

Hi @wim
I need some help in compiling a few python 3 scripts into a plugin so we can call the commands.
But I have not figured out how to do it, is it possible yet?


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@eirannejad is this something you know anything about, or are you just on RhinoCode?

It would be great if we had a command like RunPythonScript that worked on Python3 scripts too. Preferably that command would understand if it’s IronPython or Python 3 automatically (since both languages use the

Hello @Holo

That the last remaining “Feature” item on my list. There is a disabled “Package” button beside “Save” in the code editor UI that will handle packaging your scripts as a Rhino command. This has a little more work as it needs to integrate with RhinoScriptCompiler

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Has the compiler for Python 3 scripts been implemented yet and is available in Rhino 8 Beta?

Take a look at this video and let me know if it makes sense.

I’ll post better videos soon