Hops Point hs.HopsPoint() not collecting data

Hi there,

I having some problems with some hops components that I made and used to work. They seem to fail on reading hs.HopsPoint() input. I made an example file and took a screenshot of the error message.

Can anyone help me figure it out?

Best Regards


from flask import Flask
import ghhops_server as hs

app = Flask(__name__)

hops = hs.Hops(app)

    description="test point",
        hs.HopsPoint("Points", "Point", "Points of the mesh",  access = hs.HopsParamAccess.LIST),
        hs.HopsInteger('Integer', "I",  access = hs.HopsParamAccess.LIST)

        hs.HopsPoint("x", "x", "Points of the mesh",  access = hs.HopsParamAccess.LIST)

def test(p,i):
    x = p
    return x

#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### 
#                   RUN FLASK APP               #
#### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.debug = True

Hi Fernando

After a recent update, I started experiencing the same error.
For the time being, I am downgrading to Hops 0.13.1… it seems like the error gets generated from version 0.14 onwards.

Hi, same issue here
cc @stevebaer @AndyPayne
I found this related issue on Github : Issue with HopsPoint/LIST input · Issue #533 · mcneel/compute.rhino3d · GitHub

I have seen this bug before, but haven’t been able to track down exactly why this is happening. I have found that if you’re using standard Hops components (not Python) that sometimes setting the AtLeast value to 1, can sometimes fix this issue. I will create a YT issue to see if I can track this down.

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Thank You all.

By any chance, anyone knows if it´s fixed in the 0.15.1 release?

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