Hiding output grip?

How to hide an output grip if this possible?

You’d have to supply your own attributes. Is this for a component or a custom parameter?

If the former, it’ll be very hard, if the latter, it should be fine.

Thanks @DavidRutten

It is for a component to preview images, but if it’s too hard that’s fine, I’ll keep it as is

Is there a way to disable Always draw name


Is there ever more than one input? If not, you should be using a parameter instead of a component. Then overriding the attributes from scratch is a lot easier.

There is just one input , creating parameter to make this sounds good but i have no idea how to do it,
and i don’t find a simple example to start with it.

I try this but i have problems, Owner.Value = null
and the input wire is invisible

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Grasshopper.Kernel;
using System.Drawing;
using Grasshopper.GUI;
using Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Types;

namespace WizardComponent 

    public class PreviewImageObject : GH_Param<IGH_Goo> 
        public PreviewImageObject() :
          base(new GH_InstanceDescription("Bitmap", "Bitmap", "Bitmap data", "Display", "Wizard"))
        { }

        public override void CreateAttributes()
            m_attributes = new PreviewImageObjectAttributes(this);

        protected override Bitmap Icon
                return Properties.Resources.imC;


        public override GH_Exposure Exposure
                return GH_Exposure.primary;

        public override System.Guid ComponentGuid
            get { return new Guid("C2454A89-5CAD-42DC-880D-204092A740D2"); }
        private IGH_Goo m_value;

        public IGH_Goo Value
            get { return m_value; }
            set { m_value = value; }

        protected override void CollectVolatileData_Custom()
            AddVolatileData(new Grasshopper.Kernel.Data.GH_Path(0), 0, Value);

        public override bool Write(GH_IO.Serialization.GH_IWriter writer)
            writer.SetDrawingBitmap("Bitmap", inputImage);
            return base.Write(writer);

        public override bool Read(GH_IO.Serialization.GH_IReader reader)
            return base.Read(reader);

        Bitmap inputImage;

        void CheckBmp(IGH_Goo obj)
            Bitmap bitmap = default;

            if (obj != null)
                Type dataType = obj.GetType();

                if (obj.TryGetBitmap(ref bitmap))
                    inputImage = bitmap;
                else if (dataType == typeof(GH_String))
                    GH_String ghString = (GH_String)obj;
                    inputImage = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(ghString.Value);


    public class PreviewImageObjectAttributes : GH_Attributes<PreviewImageObject>

        public PreviewImageObjectAttributes(PreviewImageObject owner)
          : base(owner)

        private const int ButtonSize = 96;

        protected override void Layout()
            Pivot = GH_Convert.ToPoint(Pivot);
            Bounds = new RectangleF(Pivot, new SizeF(ButtonSize , ButtonSize));

        protected override void Render(GH_Canvas canvas, Graphics graphics, GH_CanvasChannel channel)
            if (channel == GH_CanvasChannel.Objects)
                //Render output grip.
                GH_CapsuleRenderEngine.RenderOutputGrip(graphics, canvas.Viewport.Zoom, OutputGrip, true);
                GH_CapsuleRenderEngine.RenderInputGrip(graphics, canvas.Viewport.Zoom, InputGrip, true);

                GH_Capsule buttonb = GH_Capsule.CreateCapsule(Bounds, GH_Palette.Transparent, 1, 1);

                buttonb.Render(graphics, Color.LightGray);


                if (Owner.Value != null)

                    graphics.DrawImage(inputImage, Bounds.Location);
                    graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.prev, Bounds.Location);


        Bitmap inputImage;

        void CheckBmp(IGH_Goo obj)
            Bitmap bitmap = default;

            if (obj != null)
                Type dataType = obj.GetType();

                if (obj.TryGetBitmap(ref bitmap))
                    inputImage = bitmap;
                else if (dataType == typeof(GH_String))
                    GH_String ghString = (GH_String)obj;
                    inputImage = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(ghString.Value);

Problem of wires solved but still can’t read input data

else if (channel == GH_CanvasChannel.Wires)
      RenderIncomingWires(canvas.Painter, Owner.Sources, Owner.WireDisplay);

I find a solution in the example posted by @DavidRutten in this old topic

How can I fix this? I moved the input grip, but the wire is still plugged into the old position.

protected override void Layout()
    if (inputImage != null)
        image = inputImage;

    Pivot = GH_Convert.ToPoint(Pivot);
    int width = image.Width;
    int height = image.Height;

    Bounds = new RectangleF(Pivot, new SizeF(width, height));

protected override void Render(GH_Canvas canvas, Graphics graphics, GH_CanvasChannel channel)
    var input_ = new PointF(Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top + 10);

    if (channel == GH_CanvasChannel.Objects)
        GH_CapsuleRenderEngine.RenderInputGrip(graphics, canvas.Viewport.Zoom, input_, true);

        GH_Capsule buttonb = GH_Capsule.CreateCapsule(Bounds, GH_Palette.Transparent, 1, 1);


        buttonb.Render(graphics, Color.FromArgb(100, 180, 180, 180));


        graphics.DrawImage(image, Bounds.X, Bounds.Y, image.Width, image.Height);


    else if (channel == GH_CanvasChannel.Wires)
        RenderIncomingWires(canvas.Painter, Owner.Sources,GH_ParamWireDisplay.faint);


        base.Render(canvas, graphics, channel);

Right now i don’t find a solution , i tried this but didn’t work

RectangleF gripRect = Bounds;
gripRect.Width = Bounds.Width;
gripRect.Height = 20;
GH_ComponentAttributes.LayoutInputParams((IGH_Component)Owner, gripRect);

I stay with the component, i find a solution to remove Always draw name …
by using: public override bool IconCapableUI => false;

And i override the icon with 1 pixel image:

comp.MutableNickName = false;
comp.SetIconOverride(new Bitmap(1,1));
