Hi! Help about account connection

I want to study Rhino.
Both windows and mac.

So… If i buy Rhino for windows, Do I download
that for mac too???

It can be connected my Rhino account??

Pleeeeez hlep me!

A Rhino license is valid for both Mac and PC. And if you put the license key in your Rhino account, you can use it on either (one at a time).

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Then, Although i buy Rhino for windows, I can use this license my window desktop and mecbook.
right? Thank you so much!

You can install your single license on unlimited number of machines (both PC and Mac). But you can use it on one machine at a time (whether it is a PC or a Mac)

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Thank you…!! Happy new year~!

Placing your license in an account so it can use the Cloud Zoo floating license manager, lets you take turns running Rhino on Windows and Mac.