Help with Selecting Objects by Boundary and Group

I’ve got a script here that will take a bunch of closed curves, select internal curves and group them together. I’d like for it to select text as well and group it with the boundary curve. Any help would be appreciated!

Option Explicit
'Script by Mitch Heynick
'Version 12 September, 2011
'Rhino V5 only
'Bboundary curves can be preselected
'Nested boundary curves will not be selected

Private oldSelMode
If IsEmpty(oldSelMode) then oldSelMode = "Window"
Call SelBoundaryMulti()
Sub SelBoundaryMulti()

	Dim msg,arrCrvs,arrOpts,strOpt,match,i	
	msg = "Select closed curves as selection boundaries, Nested boundary curves will not be selected!"
	arrCrvs = Rhino.GetObjects(msg, 4,, True)
	If Not IsArray(arrCrvs) Then Exit Sub
	arrOpts = Array("Window", "Crossing", "InvertWindow", "InvertCrossing")
	strOpt = Rhino.GetString("Selection mode?", oldSelMode, arrOpts)
	match = False
	For i=0 to 3
		If strOpt = arrOpts(i) Then match = True : Exit For		
	If not match Then Exit Sub	
	oldSelMode = strOpt
	Dim arrColl,strCrv,arrSelObjs,strComm,arrBB
	arrBB = Rhino.BoundingBox(arrCrvs)
	If IsArray(arrBB) Then Call Rhino.ZoomBoundingBox(arrBB)	
	Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
	arrColl = Array()
	strComm = "_Selboundary _SelectionMode=" & strOpt & " _SelID "
	For each strCrv in arrCrvs
		Call Rhino.UnselectAllObjects
		If Rhino.IsCurveClosed(strCrv) Then
			Call Rhino.Command(strComm & strCrv, False)
			Call Rhino.UnselectObject(strCrv)
			arrSelObjs = Rhino.SelectedObjects(True)
			If IsArray(arrSelObjs) Then
				arrColl = Rhino.JoinArrays(arrColl, arrSelObjs)				
			End If			
		End If
	If Ubound(arrColl) > -1 Then 
		arrColl = Rhino.CullDuplicateStrings(arrColl, False)
		Call Rhino.SelectObjects(arrColl)
		'reporting to command line
		Call ReportSelectedObjects(arrColl)		
	End If	
	Call Rhino.UnselectObjects(arrCrvs)
	Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub

Sub ReportSelectedObjects(objs)
	Dim obj,typ,pts,ptc,crv,srf,ps,msh,lts,ann,blk,dot,hat
	For each obj in objs
		typ = Rhino.ObjectType(obj)
		Select Case typ
			Case 1 : pts = pts + 1
			Case 2 : ptc = ptc + 1
			Case 4 : crv = crv + 1
			Case 8 : srf = srf + 1
			Case 16 : ps = ps + 1
			Case 32 : msh = msh + 1
			Case 256 : lts = lts + 1
			Case 512 : ann = ann + 1
			Case 4096 : blk = blk + 1
			Case 8192 : dot = dot + 1
			Case 65536 hat = hat + 1
		End Select
	Dim rep
	If pts Then rep = rep & Cstr(pts) & " point"
	If pts > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If pts Then rep = rep & ","
	If ptc Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(ptc) & " point cloud"
	If ptc > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If ptc Then rep = rep & ","
	If crv Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(crv) & " curve"
	If crv > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If crv Then rep = rep & ","
	If srf Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(srf) & " surface"
	If srf > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If srf Then rep = rep & ","
	If ps Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(ps) & " polysurface"
	If ps > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If ps Then rep = rep & ","
	If msh Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(msh) & " mesh"
	If msh > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If msh Then rep = rep & ","
	If lts Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(lts) & " light"
	If lts > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If lts Then rep = rep & ","
	If ann Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(ann) & " annotation"
	If ann > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If ann Then rep = rep & ","
	If blk Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(blk) & " block instance"
	If blk > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If blk Then rep = rep & ","
	If dot Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(dot) & " text dot"
	If dot > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If dot Then rep = rep & ","
	If hat Then rep = rep & " " & Cstr(hat) & " hatch"
	If hat > 1 Then rep = rep & "s"
	If hat Then rep = rep & ","
	rep = Left(rep, (len(rep) - 1)) & " added to selection"
	Call Rhino.Print(rep)
End Sub

It doesn’t select text? It includes objects of type 512, which includes all annotations (text, dimensions, leaders)…

yeah, it’s not grouping text, dims, or dots. it does flash the text during the script, so it is selecting text at some point it’s just not grouping them. thanks for the reply.

Ah, OK, yeah, I see it was never supposed to group anything, just selects. Here is a modded version that adds grouping the selection.

MultiSelBoundaryAndGroup.rvb (3.6 KB)

hmm, now it grouping all the selected text, dots, and dims together. thanks again.

i hate to bug you with this, but do you think you could take another look? it would save me soooo much time processing patterns for cnc .i appreciate it.

What do I need to fix? I thought it was working…

it’s grouping the text into it’s own group. thanks again.

What I see is that with multiple boundaries, all the objects end up in the same group - that is a mistake. I tried fixing that - any better?

It should select any objects inside multiple boundaries and group together any objects found (text, curves, whatever) inside each boundary curve. I do not know what will happen with grouping if the boundary selection curves overlap and an object is found inside two selection boundaries.

MultiSelBoundaryAndGroup.rvb (3.6 KB)

getting closer, it’s grouping the internal elements together but not with the boundary. is it working on your end?

OK, I didn’t realize you wanted the boundary curve grouped with the others. Try this one…

MultiSelBoundaryAndGroup.rvb (3.6 KB)


thank you that is gold! :grin:

Please update this script. It runs perfectly in Rhino 5, but there is a problem in Rhino 6/7/8. It cannot be completely grouped. It can move curves inside the boundary curve. Thanks.

That script was set up in V7, so it does (did) run in V7 at the time. Please post a file where it is not working as it is supposed to with a description of the problem.

Just select the outer boundary, not all the curves at once.

Note that this is a script from 2011 (12 years old) which had minor modifications in 2020…