i’ve got a script here that exports objects by layer, i’m having an issue with it reading layer names with “,” (commas) in them. It’s just skipping over those layers. any help with be appreciated, this will save me tons of hours. thank you.
here’s an example of the layer name:
Option Explicit
Call ExportLayerObjectsSTEP()
Sub ExportLayerObjectsSTEP()
' Declare local variables
Dim strPath, strFile
Dim arrLayers, strLayer
Dim arrSelected
' Get the path to and name of the current document.
' Surround with double-quotes in case path includes spaces.
strPath = Chr(34) & Rhino.DocumentPath & Rhino.DocumentName & Chr(34)
' Get names of all layers
arrLayers = Rhino.LayerNames
' Disable redrawing
Rhino.EnableRedraw False
' Process each layer
For Each strLayer In arrLayers
' Unselect all
Rhino.Command "_-SelNone", 0
' Select all objects on layer. Surround layer name
' with double-quotes in case it includes spaces.
Rhino.Command "_-SelLayer " & Chr(34) & strLayer & Chr(34), 0
' Make sure some objects were selected
arrSelected = Rhino.SelectedObjects
If IsArray(arrSelected) Then
' Generate a modified path string
' that includes the layer name
strFile = strPath
strFile = Replace(strFile, ".3dm", "_" & strLayer & ".stp")
' Export the selected objects
Rhino.Command "_-Export " & strFile, 0
End If
Rhino.MessageBox("Files Exported")
' Unselect all
Rhino.Command "_-SelNone", 0
' Enable redrawing
Rhino.EnableRedraw True
End Sub