Help! Issues with Fillet

You can make the fillets filletsrf .

The number one problem with filletedge command is that it tries to make one fillet for every edge. That is just plain wrong. No other CAD program tries to do this. Its a defective algorithm. This is one of numerous examples where filletedge algorithm produces incorrect results. There should only be one fillet between each of the 3 surfaces in this model. Fillet edge tries to make one fillet for each edge. That results in 2 fillets where there should only be one. The 2 fillets don’t line up perfectly and so the trimming and joining fails.

You can try the script found here. The script will make all the fillets and do the trimming and joining. If you want just the fillets and do the trimming and joining yourself you can use the script found here

help filex.3dm (2.5 MB)