Help in modeling structural disc (National museum of Qatar)

Hello everyone,
I have been working on designing details of the National Museum of Qatar by jean nouvel. There are two types of grids in discs one is radial and the other one is the orthogonal grid.
Attached is the logic I used to model the same which is too long and not the right way I guess.
It would be great if someone can help with modeling this Structural system like the way it looks.
Thank you. (120.2 KB)

Hi @ibang22,

Could you please clarify how you want Karamba to work in your definition? It is a bit unclear to me and I cannot see any Karamba components in your definition.


Was this done in Rhino or Catia (DP)?

conflicting info on this blog post…

From conceptual design through design development, Rhino was used as a main design tool, and then AutoCAD was tried as a documentation tool. The design was so intricate it was difficult to obtain an accurate view on how all the different disks would be constructed as well as ensuring the information would be clearly communicated to the construction team.

“The building was so complex that it would have been impossible to do it without Gehry Technologies [BIM Model].” – Brian Wait, Partner, Ateliers Jean Nouvel

Project Team:

Architect: Arteliers Jean Nouvel (Concept design)

Architect: Eric Maria Architects (Detail design)

Structural and services engineers: Arup Engineering

BIM Model Manager: Gehry Technologies

Quantity Surveyor: MDA Consulting Ltd.

Hey @matttam ,
Thank you so much for your reply.

I’m trying to figure out ways to make this structural system so my question was is there any way in karamba to do that, as its an structural design plugin.
I have to make I section following the geometry of disk which you can see in definition and pictures uploaded.

Hey @Rickson
Thank you so much for the information.

I think it was done in both rhino and Catia.
I’m just trying to get the structure of the disk in grasshopper if it’s possible.

Hi @ibang22,

If you are looking to just model the geometry of the structural system, then you do not need Karamba for this. Karamba can be used to analyse the structure to see how it performs, but it will not allow you to model precise geometry as shown in the image.

Hey @matttam

I think then i’ll have to figure out some other way…anyways thank you so much!