Help cleaning up a solid formed by extruded srf

I need some help to clean up the solid I have obtained from extruding 5 surfaces to forn the roof of this temple (I am recreating the Shiva Temple by Karan Darda Archtects in rhino as an exercise - Red concrete meditation space sits under pyramidal roof in rural India). I have tried to mergeCoplanarSurfaces but it doesn’t work. I may have made a conceptual mistake, could you please tell me how to correct it? Here is how I
have proceedeed:
-I have created PlanarSrf of the 5 sides of the roof,
-I have then extruded each of them and
-used BooleanSplit to delete the unecessary pieces
but I am left with a solid that is all divided into pieces and I can’t jon them or clean the geometry. Is there a way to extrude neatly the 5 joined surfaces inward without creating all the extra angular pieces? Thanks for answering

hello, if you can please post the file so someone can take a look

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Here is the file
Shiva.3dm (811.6 KB)

hello, not at my computer right now. From your image above, B, I would try to join those surfaces, then try to cap, then try the shell command. From looking at image B it looks like you have what you need, curves, and surfaces :+1:t4:

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Thank you so much! It worked :pray: :pray: