HELP attractors on surface for perforation

Hello, long time not using Grasshopper lol. I´m doing a pergola with an irregular shape which will have wood panels and in them a random pattern of gradual scaling perforated circles…
First I basically bound the points within the surface, then generated a random populate for the attractors… Then the component closest point… and finally the circles with the radius being the distance between the surface points and the attractors. The only problem is… its not generating the effect that i want… I don’t know why the circles don’t appear and if they do they are too big… The perforated circles I would want are varying from 2- 20 cm in diameter… but the results are big circles that intersect with one another… I’m not sure what I’m
doing wrong… Haven’t used GH in 3+ years…

I have updoaded the file as well
Thank you for your help
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there was an integer division component that I don’t really know what was doing there :slight_smile:
here is a try by remapping the distances to the the attractor points:

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if you want to cap the distance at which Max_Hole_Diameter is reached something like this might work:

here for instance it makes in such a way all the distances bigger than 2 meters will produce holes at max diameter (0.2 meters) → you need to use the Clipped Remap output for this

Well … never is too late.

Anyway a couple of things:

  1. Has no meaning to define holes PRIOR defining the pieces (see def attached). Plus the U/V divisions … well … may yield small unrealistic pieces (so a check is a must). Quite probably a stripe approach is way better.

  2. Has no meaning to define holes on a per piece basis without an inwards offset distance (that defines half the support beams width - unless you have self supporting modules [that’s a bit complex, mind]).

  3. If you have plywood in mind (as the envelope material) think again: cutting a zillion holes in plywood is a recipe for disaster (finishing the rough sides for applying the required penetration oil [BTW: never use varnish]).

  4. Holes must have standard sizes (for obvious reasons) - unless you have hydro cut in mind…

  5. In real-life for this kind of stuff you don’t need parametric - at all - with regard the holes (just do them in order to look “nice”).

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