Half cut Notcher by Pascal gives error in V7 when as button

The Notcher.rvb file you uploaded (twice) has at least one programming error that means it won’t work if you leave the clearance as 0. If you input a larger clearance value it can work and does so in both R5 and R7. Note that “can work” does NOT mean “will always work” - I’m not a rhinoscript expert and I certainly don’t have time to test it properly.

[@pascal - in line 106 you reference a variable that is only instantiated (in line 102) if clearance > 0.]

Note that the code is designed to install itself and create an alias, Notcher. It is probably not appropriate to put the code on a button with those instructions included, but someone who knows Rhinoscript will be better placed for definitive advice about that.

That’s relatively easily fixed. I did not test to see if anything else needs to be looked at.

NotcherF1.rvb (5.8 KB)

As this is a 9.5 year old vb script, it can probably be ‘pythonized’ to about half it’s original 260 line length…

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Given the uncertain provenance of this file, it may be that @Pascal has a later version.

Certainly possible… I don’t know how the panels have to be configured to actually have it work…
It seems to work here after the fix even at 0 clearance with some simple rectangular boxes as panels, one pair at a time. There isn’t a lot of error checking though, so if the panels are not set up correctly, the script errors out somewhat ungracefully.

What I don’t understand is why @Steve1 is insisting that this script is absolutely necessary to have in order to complete his installation…

Also, for this kind of stuff, Grasshopper is the way to go. There are bazillions of GH definitions for doing egg-crate notching out there.

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The NotcherF1.rvb I have drag dropped, and command line doesnt run it, as I am avoiding coding buttons to minimise time its taking to add in the buttons for V7 (1 whole week ), I am preferring to reference or just run command from the button, can this be made as a drag drop ?

I have gone for the referencing method:-

-_RunScript (D:\RHINO 3D WORK AND ASSOC FILES\Plug-ins and Scripts\NotcherF1_Helvetosaur\NotcherF1.rvb)

in a new button.
I run it in V7 and immediate error.
NotcherF1 error v7

As for existing Notcher code…

I had set the gap to 0.003 in a small objects feet file and prior I did 0.005

I try again
new>small objects feet. create two blocks rotate one at centre copy =yes, to get the second.
run the command by typing notcher into command line
select first object (horiz one in top view,)
enter 0.005 hit enter
select second and get
error notcher rhino v5

Notcher result 0.005 gap small Objects feet rhino v5 error before result.3dm (31.6 KB)

I see a notch but it isnt one !

same process, no error but result isnt a notch.
Notcher result 0.005 gap small Objects feet rhino v7.3dm (247.5 KB)

What I don’t understand is why @Steve1 is insisting that this script is absolutely necessary to have in order to complete his installation…

I thought it would be an easy fix, but its taking too long. I may just give up on this Notcher and delete the button and move on.

We will have to go without, 170 others after it it seems.

I want to acronis the build of win10 , and get on with the remainder of 140 progs, before Christmas happens as I dont want to be still doing my build over Christmas, I did start this in July, then was told all hardware was great for win7 but with issues win10 was having, I was told it had to go for win10, so £1300 later (new MBd, CPU, GPU, ram, SSD’s, cooler, and 5 weeks later I am staring at the dreaded chance of no Christmas. V7 has taken 3 becoming 4 weeks to set up, everything done from scratch, as was suggested, no imports of .rui or such.

I dont want backups with things not working, my rule is only ever backup when all is ok, backing up non working aspects of a PC is wrong, one should be able to revert to a backup knowing all is right with it.

I also have Outlook2013 refusing to search sent items folder, even with help of Msoft.
Need to get recent Folders added back in after Msoft nuked that most vital feature, and also fix screen save not working, hate Msoft, win7 was fine.

so fix those and move on, so I hope.

I have never done backups with notes added to the file saying this and that not working, they are always all things working. win10 is proving a real pain.


That’s mostly my bad. You probably have to change the file name back to just Notcher rather than NotcherF1 - as I didn’t change the drag and drop alias inside the script. Suggest you delete all previous versions, then change the file name of NotcherF1.rvb to just Notcher.rvb and then re-drag and drop.

Wait 'till you get Win 11…

I confess I really don’t understand this ‘philosophy’ if you can call it that. Let’s say you go a year or so and then you have a major problem. Reinstalling a year-old backup will be hopelessly out of date on pretty much everything. Backups are a continuous thing. So if you do today’s (this week’s, this month’s) backup and it has a couple of items that don’t work, you can fix them later. Maybe by the time you do tomorrow’s (next week’s, next month’s) backup to replace it, you will have fixed those things. In the meantime, if your whole install crashes out now without any backup, you have to start from scratch…


I ran the NotcherF1.rvb using the reference method.
got an error.
surely if I reference it from where it lives on my D drive, it should run ?

or is it that the name clashes with something in the code within ?

If its called PinkElephant.rvb and inside the code is about notching shouldnt referencing the address on D drive of PinkElephant.rvb see it work ?

As for backing up, I use Acronis True Image Home, makess a clone of C drive boot and master boot thing, the lot.

I just like to know that all my back ups as I progress a build, are good to fall back to, with all on PC working fine, NOT back up a problem, fix it later on, then before backing up, install a prog, have C drive messed up, revert to the backup and face having to fix it all over again.
To look at my list of backups and know each one is healthy when done, is comforting, to look at a list and refer to notes that say 23 had issues, 24 had those and worse, 25 had a nasty , 26 solved one in 23, but has a new nasty, Thats a mess, sorry but I am sticking to my system.


Did you try what I outlined above?

I have now tried that,
delete out of the address the existing one by Pascal.
then removed F1 so its Notcher.rvb

address in button is now:-

-_RunScript (D:\RHINO 3D WORK AND ASSOC FILES\Plug-ins and Scripts\Notcher_Helvetosaur\Notcher.rvb)

triple checked address is correct.

and I draw my X boxes and click the button
and immediately
NotcherF1 error v7 after remove F1

check all again, delete the former F1, add it in again from forum link.
same again.

I then drag drop it after it is named Notcher.rvb

draw a new set of boxes,
run command Notcher,
no error so far, select 1st box, then enter 0.005 then select next box
no error warning, select box drag aside , no notch, but signs something was done, explode and delete surfaces that shouldnt be there and its not notched it properly.

so why did my address error, and why drag drop running command not error but fail to notch ?


OK, the problem is that it’s been far too long since I even tried running vb-based Rhinoscripts.

So what you need to do is use in this case is Loadscript and not Runscript,

IIRC, Runscript only works if the script has already been loaded into Rhino at startup. But since I commented out that line in the script, it is not loaded, and thus does not run.

So try modifying the button script to this:

! _-Loadscript "D:\RHINO 3D WORK AND ASSOC FILES\Plug-ins and Scripts\Notcher_Helvetosaur\Notcher.rvb

That should work.

Script file to load ( List ): "D:\RHINO 3D WORK AND ASSOC FILES\Plug-ins and Scripts\Notcher_Helvetosaur\Notcher.rvb

I now have the above as the entire code line in the button.

click button and command line says

Script file to load ( List ):

I type Notcher

it says cannot find script file Notcher.


Put a quotation mark on the end. You did start the line with ! _Loadscript, correct?

Don’t forget the dash… ! _-Loadscript....

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I have copy pasted from the scrollable full address above.

and I add as suggested a ! on the end, so now I have this :-

! _-Loadscript "D:\RHINO 3D WORK AND ASSOC FILES\Plug-ins and Scripts\Notcher_Helvetosaur\Notcher.rvb!

and when I click the button it says:-
Script File to Load (List):

should it even ask that or not just run and ask me to select the first object ?

Surely to have to remember the name of the script is not normal.
I type Notcher.rvb and it says 'cannot find script file Notcher.rvb

I try again, I type Notcher and it says 'cannot find script file Notcher

Its 2 weeks now and not moved fwd one jot.

I am backing up PC and moving on beyond Rhino now. 130 progs to install, get sound card in, get saw out, no pci slot so an adapter, and saw a hole for the speaker plug to go through as card now 21mm further out. and that was to happen wednesday. but notcher got in the way.

I am nuking Notcher, I need to progress the win10 build as it threatens now to drag on across Christmas eve and day and ruin everything. I am not doing so in Christmas week, and I need to have this build mostly done, started it in July, then had to havbe all new hardware for win10 to run. damn Msoft !

This is just not happening.

Moving on !


Why did you put the ! at the end? Nobody said to do that.

No, it should just run if it is set up correctly. Which it is not, obviously. I have never seen anyone have this much trouble getting something like this to run. I tested the script here (different path obviously) and it runs fine from a button when set up correctly.

[quote=“Steve1, post:31, topic:151416”]
click button and command line says

Script file to load ( List ):

It will only that if

  1. You forgot the dash
  2. Your path isn’t correct, so it can’t find the script file to run

To test, I made a folder on my desktop and put the script in there.

I then created a button like this:

I then made a couple of intersecting boxes and punched the button:

However, all that being said, I want back and re-downloaded the NotcherF1.rvb above and there is something wrong… It isn’t the final script I uploaded. Something has gone wrong with the Discourse uploads - which I find from time to time, uploaded stuff doesn’t update if you make a modification and re-upload. So I am uploading it again here:

Notcher.rvb (5.8 KB)

Try replacing the earlier one with this one.