Guid error in Python 3 GH


I’m relatively new to using python 3 in Rhino 8 and I keep stumbling onto the following error code. What I do not really understand is that it refers to line 894 in the script. Is there someone who also encountered this problem and managed to solve it? (12.0 KB)

I see two problems:

  1. The Geometry input parameter is set to “Tree Access”. You probably want “Item Access” (right click the param to change).
  2. You’re inputting a geometry object rather than a RhinoObject, so it doesn’t have a guid for the rhinoscriptsyntax method to operate on. You can use ty = Geometry.ObjectType instead.

Thanks for the reply!

It works now. Apparently I also had the type hint set as ghDoc object (then it automatically expects a Guid?) and now changed to Geometrybase.