Is it possible to implement a group manager, maybe similar to block manager where users can search and rename groups, etc. The current SelGroup command is not enough!
What would be even better is to also have group name in object properties, below object name…
I want to ask if groups can carry user text attributes. Lazy to test myself. If i add some user text to a group is it like if i added to all the objects individually or the group is considered an object?
@wim can you pls add my vote at the appropriate place, too? And please let groups be recognized as one object, so gumball stays in place.
Atm i want to define a folding ladder and it would be a charm to just having to pick the subgroups from a vizualized group tree for rotating the grouped sections.
Blocks and named selections are not quite it for me…
Is there a reason why McNeel is not giving us a possibility to handle the group feature in a comfortable way?
I mean…there was a plugin for RH4 as i remember. Cant find it anymore…