Grid with falloff and increasing spaces


I am quite new to grasshopper and have done several tutorials. Since I could not find any solution for a specific task I am going to ask in the forum. I would like to do a grid with circles where the circles have a falloff in size and gain distance to each other the smaller they get. It should look quite very similar to the picture shown, except that the circles on the bottom have a diameter with 3,125mm and have a distance to each other with 1,5mm. I am very grateful for every answer!

regards Julian

I’d suggest looking into using PanelingTools and the GH components it comes with. There are grid attractors that would probably help with this.

Hi Julian,

Welcome to the community!

Of course you can do some high school maths and write an expression for this, but in terms of a grasshopper definition the most intuitive way to approach it (for me at least) is to use a scale mapping on a regular distribution of points and then make the radius dependant on the y position. You need to use data trees for your 2d grid made from using the series component. The scaling increases for increasing x and y, hence the rate of change is defined as follows:

Giving the following pattern with your base level initial condition:

Hope this helps. As I say, there are many ways to do this and much cleaner ways using expressions, code, etc. but this to me is a simple intuitive way to visualise it.

Good luck and best wishes,

John. (14.5 KB)

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hey John,

such an incredible community, I really appreciate this as a novice. Thank you very much for the superior help.

regards Julian

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Hey Brian,

thank you very much for the hint, this toolset is very interesting. I really appreciate the greate help from the community.

regards Julian

Hi John,

maybe you can help me here again. Is there an easy way to generate a non-linear pattern in the x and y direction instead of a linear pattern.

cheers Julian

Remember that ‘rate of change’ of x value @thenurbs? Well, that’s what you have to make non-linear. I’m not going to spend time finding the function you need (you can have that fun), but the expression editor is your friend for playing with power laws. Add things, multiply, etc., making sure the exponent > 1.

hi john, every start is hard :smiley: thank you very much!

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