Grasshopper + VIKTOR

Hey everyone! :star2:

Big news from VIKTOR! We’re thrilled to share our first public Grasshopper app, featuring Ladybug’s Sun Hours Analysis. :sparkles::point_right: Check it out here!

VIKTOR’s vision is to unlock all AEC potential! With the low-code development platform, architects & engineers can build and share user-friendly web apps with nothing but Python.

This new integration with Grasshopper is a game-changer. You can easily convert your Grasshopper script into a cloud-based app, shareable with your team. Accessible anytime, anywhere, and intuitive to use​:globe_with_meridians:. With the ability to integrate 3rd party software in your app :gear:!

More details about our collaboration with McNeel can be found here:bulb:. You can easily start creating your grasshopper VIKTOR apps following our Docs :books:.

I’m eagerly awaiting your thoughts and feedback.

Engineer the awesome & automate the boring :rocket:

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