Grasshopper + Viktor


Has someone tried to combine a file Grasshopper with the Viktor environment?

I have tried to do the tutorial app, but it doesn’t work.

I can generate the interface, but when I click on 'Run Grasshopper, this error message appears on PyCharm:

Also, I have noticed that the input.json disappears after running the code.

This is the error on the generic worker (I followed all the instructions for the setup of the worker):

I know that it is a topic for Viktor forum, but maybe one of you can help me?

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Hi Jacopo!

This is a good question. So most of times this happens when PyCharm could not import compute_rhino3d.Util
import rhino3dm

I suggest you add them manually. In your PyCharm : File > Settings > Project from the PyCharm menu.

  • Select your current project.
  • Click the Python Interpreter tab within your project tab.
  • Click the small + symbol to add a new library to the project.
  • Now type in the librarys to be installed, and click Install Package.

Make sure your worker and Rhino are running and it should work! Please, let me know if any other issues!

Feel free to add the VIKTOR label to this dicussion so others can benefit as well :slight_smile:


Thank you for the answer,

However, I have the same problem. Here, there is the error in the generic worker:

Do you suggest reinstalling everything? These are the errors inside Rhino Compute:

Hi Jacopo,

I think it is mainly a Rhino compute installation error. So, Indeed it might be a good idea to reinstall everything. There are many Rhino libiraries so make sure you select the right ones.
You can follow the first part of installation in this video (make sure the versions are the same)

  • Another point can be the Python version. Maybe you can try with python3.9. I tried it an everthing works fine :slight_smile:

Good luck!