Grasshopper: trying to create a closed shape from vertices using PLine

Hello all. I have been stuck trying to create a closed shape from vertices using the Polyline tool. As reference, I have been following Ms. Rajaa’s video tutorial. “Digital Sketching with PanelingTools for Rhino”

Pass forward to time 46:34 of the tutorial you’ll see that as the polyline is selected, it highlighted a closed shape that came from 4 vertices. Mine however, is not closing.

I have uploaded video screenshot from her tutorial together with my own rhino and grasshopper screenshot.

Help, please!

You should provide “True” value(using Boolean toggle) to “C” input node of Polyline.

Hs_Kim, I’m sorry not to say in the beginning - I am new to grasshopper and needs more details on True value, boolean toggle and C…

And it’s a good idea to play around with a bunch of basic tutorials before asking random questions to this discourse.

It worked, HS_Kim. Thank you!

Is boolean toggle only used on C to join polylines? Or can it also work on other things?

Every input node of GH component requires specific type of data. If you hover your mouse cursor over one of input node, a popup tooltip will show you what type of data should be provided…

Got it! Thank you HS_Kim!