Grasshopper is that you?!

Just stumbled across these two videos. Looks very, very familiar :wink:



dang that’s crazy. I wonder how much they charge to add that package :sweat_smile:

Isn’t this a borderline copyright issue?

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no… not that Grasshopper was the first to use visual programming methods, probably not even the first in the context of geometry.

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I used AVS 25 years ago to view scientific data in 3d. There was a node editor


I know there’s many different node-based options nowadays, I was mainly looking at the icons used for components.

Maybe they are so logical that it isn’t an issue.

well, the ui looks pretty much the same every where i believe, here a screen shot from c4d xpresso, which probably got introduced 10-15 years before grasshopper


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It seems to be a growing trend to integrate visual programming into traditional CAD software. Siemens is doing the same in NX:

NX Algorithmic Modeling - YouTube

According to Wikipedia it was introduced in 2012. Explicit History/Grasshopper first appeared in 2007.

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Blender also first got the Sverchok plugin, and now also some native capabilities. It appears that Sverchok’s oldest commits on Github are around 9 years old.

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…or Softimage ICE, released 2008, for the VFX industry. Beautiful peace of software.

(Still a shame Autodesk ditched XSI in favor of Maya).

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sorry, that is not correct, you have misread, what you read is that the ui got enhanced, Xpresso exists in that form way earlier, when i started using c4d in 1999ish Xpresso already was on board. i can not say for certain when exactly it was introduced but whats the point anway, Grasshopper is not that original as some may believe.


I didn’t misread anything, the only mention of Xpresso in the Wikipedia article is the 2012 one. While it might have been introduced earlier, I didn’t see any evidence from an admittedly quick Google search.

Indeed, as far as I know the GRAIL (Graphical Input Language) from 1969 is one of the first (the first?) node-based dataflow programming editors:


I first used C4d in 2010 and I also remember Xpresso already being a part of. Not 100% sure…

Apart from the price, Catia Visual Scripting is a strong competition to Grasshopper within certain industries. Catia is widely used anyways, and if you are able to call all modelling functionality of Catia over that interface, then personally I see no point in doing things in Grasshopper. Surface modelling in GH is a pain since 2007.

well then you have to take my personal experiences for granted till you find some real evidence :man_shrugging: :smile:

You’re the one making unsubstantiated claims buddy.

chee now we are going down the drain… i dont have to proof anything. the topic is irrelevant for those who dont have an ego issue. take it or leave it… buddy.

See: Ad hominem - Wikipedia.

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not my usual method but feel free to interpret it the way you need… if that helps you through the day.

Grasshopper is visual scripting editor for Rhinocommon after all. I don’t think it is the first of its kind, but I’m sure Grasshopper had some impact. You could see many CAD application doing such editors after GH became famous.