Grasshopper Help - Result per Point

hello grasshopper community,
i am doing a sunlight-hours-analysis and have a question. is it possible to view the results for each test point by mouse click for example? if not, how can i view which test point shows which result? via the sun hour results i get a list with the individual results per test point, but i don’t know which test point shows which result?! thanks for the help!
kind regards, michael

Hi Michael -

Is this a Ladybug Tools question? →

Hi @Michael_Zöls ,

This sounds like a data matching question.

I’d have to see the ladybug outputs and your test point list but I’m assuming they are matching list lengths that could be paired together.

By selecting a branch or individual index of both lists simultaneously you should be able to peek the results of a single test point at a time.

As far as “on mouse click” that gets a bit more involved but is possible with scripting via Python or C#.

If you could please upload a .GH file with your sun study data output and test point data present and internalized, we can help you with the data matching/selection of said data.


Hello @michaelvollrath ,
thanks for your response. Here is my .GH file. It would be great if you could help me.
Kind regards, Michael (513.1 KB)

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Hi Michael -

That file requires that the legacy version of Ladybug is installed.

Please reread the following request:

Apart from the Ladybug components, the referenced breps are not internalized and you are referencing a file on your computer:



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Hi @wim ,
thanks for your response. Sorry but i don´t know how i can give you the correct file. Is it possible you can help me with a screenshot?
Kind regards, Michael

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Hi @Michael_Zöls ,

Right click on your geometry output nodes after your ladybug component and choose “internalize data”, add a “Data” node between the ladybug component and the text panel and do the same (internalize data).

Delete everything else and upload just those three remaining nodes as a GH file.

Thank you!

@michaelvollrath ,
thanks a lot for your help. I hope it works with this file.
Kind regards, Michael (64.8 KB)

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Do you want to see the values at the testpoibnts like this?

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@Baris ,
Yes, exactly. That´s it. Thank you very much!
Kind regards, Michael

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Hi @Michael_Zöls ,

Your data trees are symmetrical so you can pair them/divide them/etc. easily.

Here’s a quick example showing the values in place with some rounding.

Graph Space:

Model Space:

Hope that helps you!

EDIT: Looks like Baris already gave you something to work with, cool! (68.6 KB)

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Hi @michaelvollrath ,
that looks great! Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards, Michael

Hi @michaelvollrath @Baris ,
i have a problem with another project and it would be great if you could help me. The position of the results is behind the colored surface. If i activate the Text3DTag in Grasshopper then the text is visible (green). Can someone help me please?
Kind regards, Michael

Hi @Michael_Zöls ,

This is because the text 3d is centered on the colored faces themselves so when you look at it on angle part of the text clips through.

Either the text needs to have the draw order set to draw in foreground or an offset needs to be given to move the text locations in front of the face panels slightly.

Let me know if you need more info on that!

Hi @michaelvollrath ,
this would be great if you can get me more info on that! I didn´t accomplished it…
Kind regards, Michael

Hi @Michael_Zöls ,

The Text Tag component by function draws the text to the foreground in that, regardless of which side you are viewing your colored mesh from, the previewed text tags should show just fine.

What you are showing where some of your text are red and then the green preview (selected component) is in a different position means you are actually previewing two different components.

The red text is being left on somewhere and previewing by default because you do not have “Only draw preview for selected objects” enabled in the preview toolbar:


I would need you to please upload your .gh script to see what is happening as I cannot tell specifically from the screen snips alone.


@michaelvollrath ,
sorry i can´t send you my .gh script at the moment. It´s possible tomorrow. But to your topic: again my problem. The red results is every time the same position. Because of the angle of the colored geometry the text is just complete visible on the backside. On the front side the text is just visible if you tag the 3D-Text-Tag on Grasshopper. How can i bring the text in the foreground on the front side?
Kind regards, Michael

Hi @michaelvollrath ,
here is my test .gh file. It would be great if you could help me! Thanks a lot!
My goal is show the colored mesh with the results in the foreground and not only show the result without the mesh like it would be with “Only draw preview for selected objects”.
Kind regards, Michael (52.4 KB)

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Hi @Michael_Zöls ,

The issue in your script was that you were feeding the Text Tag 3D component a World XZ plane and your mesh faces are not aligned to World XZ as they are “off angle” so your script was correct just not what you wanted. You need to ensure that the Plane input going into your Location input of the Text Tag 3D component is aligned to your Face Normals of your mesh to ensure the Text sits on top of it properly.

Also unless you are adding additional logic to that Python component handling rounding, you can do this with a simple expression component. (Perhaps you saw better performance on a large text input with Python?)

You can do something like this for your text alignment:

Graph Space:

Model Space:

Cheers, I hope that helps! (63.4 KB)