Your question involves 3rd party plugin, and not everyone installed it.
So it is hard for others to test your program, because in order to do so, others must install and then learn this 3rd party plugin and get some basic idea of it.
I think this time you are on your own.
Some important notes:
1: Galapagos does not mean magic, it is just Genetic and Annealing in a component. If your problem does not converge at all, Genetic and Annealing are useless.
2: If some words in your area are involved such as EUI and WWR, you will have to explain them along with all the concept related. Rhino users are not all architects, and not all architects deal with climate related problem.
I want to find the optimum mortar thickness and brick length for 1/4 masonry groin vault shape.
Each row has different lengths. I named all lengths as list L. L is a float list coming from a panel. This is the value of L below.
[‘50.131132’, ‘64.565721’, ‘79.085678’, ‘93.712059’, ‘108.467285’, ‘123.375498’,
‘138.462987’, ‘153.75871’, ‘169.294941’, ‘185.108051’, ‘201.239591’, ‘217.737653’,
‘234.658645’, ‘252.069805’, ‘270.052617’, ‘288.707945’, ‘308.163463’, ‘328.585053’,
‘350.195776’, ‘373.308558’, ‘398.387278’, ‘426.174312’, ‘458.004044’, ‘496.796176’,
x is full brick length, which should be a constant value for each row and should be between 30 and 40 cm.
y is mortar thickness, which can be derived for each row. In other words, L values. y is also should be between 3.5 cm to 6 cm.
n is the brick amount for each row. This n values should be integer.
The objective equation is L= n*(x+y).
Is there any possibility to find optimum x value, n values and y values for this problem?