I created a control menu with the ETO library and I would like to load the values above simultaneously in grasshopper by clicking on the “NESTING” button without the window being closed to retrieve the data.
I manage to assign functions by activating this button but not to retrieve the values live.
Do you have a solution to perform this type of operation?
The purpose of this interface is to feed a grasshopper definition with simple data (text, number and boolean)
do you start the form from Grasshopper or from Rhino ? In the latter case, you can access Grasshopper with the PluginObject to feed a definition with data. A simple example is shown here and the available methods here. (I guess the number of methods changed since 2013).
To have a much deeper access from a script started within Rhino and Grasshopper, you might try NodeInCode.
Hi @clement ,
Thank you for your feedback, it’s very interesting. At first, I would simply like to recover the data from my live dialog box, without having to close it. I can find some information to do this with sliders but it implies relaunching the dialog with each change which is not very smooth in use.
Hi @m.greffet, without some example code it is not easy to help. I would still like to know how (from where) you open your dialog box and how you try to get & set values for the GH sliders.