Grasshopper Definition vs Grasshopper C# Script Performance issues


After some many fun coding / learning hours and thanks to the awesome community here I was able to create my first time ever C# Script component that basically replicates a definition I already created in grasshopper using regular components (see attached)

What the component does is take a brep gemetry and creates a line (that passes through the center of the brep.) with the same or reduced length.

The problem that I have is that my C# script is way too slow compared with the grasshopper definition. I am not totally sure what is the bottleneck in my C# script that is causing such big performance issues with only 10 breps.


For comparison you can see that the GH definition is so amazingly fast!


I am not entirely sure what could be causing such a big performance difference. I attached my GH file and if someone can take a look at it and provide some feedback to be able to make my C# script run as fast as the GH definition it will be great. (887.4 KB)

The time-consuming step is the calculation of the volume centroid. In your GH definition, you have parallel execution enabled, whereas in the C# code this is not computed in parallel.
You can do it in parallel using System.Threading.Tasks namespace and Parallel.For execution. Then the c# block becomes as fast as the parallel-enabled centroid block in the definition.

Add to the top bit:

using System.Threading.Tasks;

Then replace the centroid calculation with this:

Point3d[] centerOfGravity = new Point3d[_Breps.Count];
Parallel.For(0, _Breps.Count, i => 
  Rhino.Geometry.Point3d pointCG = VolumeMassProperties.Compute(_Breps[i]).Centroid;
  centerOfGravity[i] = pointCG;

You must use an array for the centerOfGravity results instead of a Point3dList. The list is not thread safe, and the order of the results becomes unpredictable due to parallel execution.

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The calculation of the centroids can be further speeded up by only calculating the volume and the first moments, and not the second or product moments:

Rhino.Geometry.Point3d pointCG = VolumeMassProperties.Compute(_Breps[i], true, true, false, false).Centroid
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@menno thanks your explanation it is pretty clear and c# script is blazing fast with your proposed solution!

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