GraphMapper Bezier2

After experimenting with the GraphMapper component I found that there is currently a bug with the Bezier2 option. It appears that this component works with other options such as Parabola, therefore I was expecting that all options would be compatible with ShapeDiver. I wanted to bring this up because I suspect there are other GraphMapper options that may have the same issue.

I have attached a sample file below. (8.9 KB)

I hope this is helpful!

Bezier2 is not native to the graph mapper. It is from Riched Graph Mapper plug-in (that is why it doesn’t work on shapediver, it’s a plug-in) and gets added as an option in the native graph mapper when installed.

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Thanks for identifying the issue Michael.

Thomas, since you have a dedicated Enterprise system we can install additional custom plugins if you need them. We would just have to review the plugin and evaluate how much work it represents. If you feel like you need this plugin, please write directly to your dedicated support mailbox so we can discuss details.

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Hi SD-guys,

Can you please add support for the Riched Graph Mapper?

Could you precise which component you are talking about? There is only one graph mapper in native Grasshopper so this might be a component from a third-party plugin.

The one mentioned in Michael’s post above:

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