Please is there anyway to import the googlemaps module into ghpython? Or that is not possible at this time?
Please is there anyway to import the googlemaps module into ghpython? Or that is not possible at this time?
Hi @aononye,
did you try installing it into a location known to sys.path
and importing it?
Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates
Thanks for your response Glullo.
I have little knowledge about package installation except using “pip install”. However, i added the folder location to the module search path. Still nothing.
Hi @aononye
I went a stretch further and made this work for you. To make it work:
Create an API key at Google and activate the Google Maps Directions API at:
Open the definition, then copy the API inside. (483.2 KB) (3.3 KB)
I hope this helps,
Giulio Piacentino
for Robert McNeel & Associates
Thanks Giulio!
Not sure why i am getting this error.
I looked online and i saw it has something to do with the link below but not sure how to make this change. Rhino 6 is currently running on ironpython 2.7.5. I also reinstalled ironpython.
You need to enable frames in IronPython via the _EditPythonScript options.
Giulio you have been rely helpful. Thanks.
Another error showed up. not sure why.
I am not sure why. Maybe try downloading and placing that module into the same folder.
hi @piac , thanks for this.
if it’s not too much to ask, could you point us to how to parse the results and get a 3D in Rhino?