Golden Ratio Colour Palette Maker V3

Hi Guys, I am excited to share with you version 3 of the Golden ratio colour palette maker. This update allows you to set the different Colour channels as you sees fit. Ranging from CMYK, HLS, HSV, RGB, XYZ.

Let me know what you think or how to improve this code.
Golden Ratio Colour maker (33.9 KB)


Hi Sunny, great job! I appreciate your work. I wanted to ask if this script can generate forms and objects based on the golden ratio, and if the colors used illustrate that concept, correct?

Hi Iial, thank you! Quite happy to hear these are getting used haha. I would say definitely if you tweak the output to lengths. Maybe I can create this next!

Or we can try collaborating on this if you add me on Discord: melonhead0424

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