G’Day all! Any help would be appreciated! I created a bi-color glass in Blender Cycles— and trying to recreate the material in Rhino Cycles using GH Shaders via Cycles XLM materials. Not sure if I’m going about it the correct way or if there is a better option. Tried normal and PBR materials, but no luck. Any help appreciated!
So essentially you are trying to create a gradient material for the diffuse/albedo channel and an overall material that has translucency & reflectivity (glass) is that correct?
I don’t have the plugins you are using but I was able to create a Rhino gradient glass material, and then apply that to some test grasshopper geometry via baking in the new Rhino 8 material nodes/baking component.
Query the rhino gradient glass material via name and apply that material via “Model Objects” “Render Attributes” input.
Unfortunately the ability to modify physically based or more complex material settings from within GH does not seem to be a complete feature set. Exploiting the Display tab’s “Create Material” (egg shaped icon) we can actually set the opacity of our new material from within GH.
However, we cannot set the Roughness, Reflectivity, or Shine unfortunately so we end up with the gradient glass material showing up fully Rough each time and would have to manually adjust the the Roughness value in the material which obviously defeats the point of automating this gradient glass material creation.
I am using the GH Shaders node that @nathanletwory created. I will try what you suggested! Here is the GitHub if interested-- he mirrored a lot of the Blender nodes into GH, for implementation into Rhino Cycles.
Thanks for sharing! I’m a total python newbie. I know you can reference document materials and modify attributes I just don’t know to what extent and what methods to utilize.
Trying to learn though! Please let me know what you find in your explorations!
Maybe silly question after what you just said but did you try spherical mapping? Even though that is counter intuitive given the geometry shapes of your examples.
I was able to get it map correctly earlier so I can take a look later and see if I had any special settings, repeats, offsets or anything.
I think I had to set an offset that matched the distance of the bounding box of the geometry for it to map the gradient correctly.
If you want to learn about scripting the creation of PBR materials, you could have a look at some of my literate scripts: https://jesterking.github.io/rhipy/ . There are a couple that should get you started.
Did a little more digging- unwrapping the mesh is the only way to get a PBR to map correctly. Was trying to just make a material that I can apply simply w/o unwrapping. Any ideas on that?