GH script doesn't open I can lose my entire work - Grasshopper Event log

hello community,

I don’t know what is currently happening. But I have a file in Grasshopper that I was working on for a while (actually some versions of it) and suddenly none of them are opening anymore.
When I try to open it in Grasshopper appears this message:

“### Grasshopper Event Log
This document contains the messages recorded during the most recent Grasshopper® file read/write. Whenever a read/write operation fails or behaves unexpectedly, this summary will be compiled and displayed. If you experience problems saving or opening files, please include this log with any bug-report you file. You can use the Send… button to mail this report directly, or you can save the log and attach it to a personal email message. This log contains no personal information beyond what you supply, nor any other information that is not directly related to Grasshopper.”"

It seems this is a kind of a bug or a crash inside my file.
If I lose it I lose months of work. Can someone please help me to open this file?
Or have someone passed through this and know how to solve it?

As a developer, I’ve experienced same error when I create write/read methods in my components.

Could you just as a test perhaps rerunning the same file with no plugins installed? (Rename your plugin folder temporarily)

If so, you can enable half of your plugins and see if that works and then trial/error untill you find the causing plugin. When that happens you enable all the other plugins and salvage what you can from the document. It’s not ideal but better than losing months of work.

Side note keep hourly, daily or weekly backups :slight_smile:

@DavidRutten its on my wish list that you would update this error message to help users in direction of which component/plugin is causing errors, and ideally also allow the rest of the document to load.
