I have a surface in GH which I am trying to offset. GH says it is a surface (not a polysurface), but when I ofsset it, I get this weired shape. If I bake the original surface into Rhino, it says it is a polysurface. What is going on?
As Martin suggested, I believe your original input surface (or at least the edge curves) had some irregularities in them. So, I took a stab at extracting the edge curves, and then rebuilding them using the same number of weights as the original curves. After rebuilding the curves, you can reconstruct the surface and then offset this and it appears to work. I don’t know what tolerances you have, nor if the rebuilding of the edge curves will effect the final output that you’re looking for… but it does appear that this method does give a clean offset surface. SRF OFFSET_AP.gh (17.3 KB)