Hi there, so lovely that Rhino 7 has nice functionalities of reverse engineering complex objects.
My task
I am new to Rhino, and I am trying to turn very dense triangular meshes (from medical images) into CAD geometry. Raw meshs are watertight and they are extremely dense. I will assemble several parts and then tetra-remesh them using other meshers for FEA. In my down-stream simulation, I need more control on boundary partitioning of both faces and edges, so I want to have as few as possible small surfaces. So I am seeking for your advice to either prevent generating small surfaces or merge existing narrow surfaces into larger ones.
My challenge and where I am
The QuadRemesh → toSubD → toNURBS flow is promising but the NURBS object has some very narrow surfaces that should be merged into its surrounding ones.
So I am struggling in manually merging small pieces into larger ones whilst let them joined as a closed polysurface/surface.
I noticed that making some creases in SubD prevents some extremely tiny surfaces in NURBS, but some narrow surfaces still need to be fixed, see the picture as an example. I also uploaded my file. For the remaining narrow ones I tried two approaches.
- MergeSrf and then JoinEdges. But eventually the triplet-surfaces that form Y-shape edges cannot be merged, I guess it is because their isocurves do not match. Also, MergeSrf with Smooth = Yes makes a gap between surfaces and I have to fix it using JoinEdges.
- ExtractWireframe from these small surfaces, or remesh them to get a dense curve network and then Patch them. This method generates better results but sometimes it does not work well for highly curved surfaces because of incorrect trimming, and some parameter tuning is needed.
I am wondering if there are better methods (less manual work or fewer shape changes) to get rid of small surfaces? Also, vertices where two or more curves cross through are bad because they will lead to small tet-elements nearby. Thanks.
bone.3dm (6.3 MB)