Get minimum radius curvature from a surface using rhino python script


Is there a way to get minimum radius curvature from a surface using rhino python script?

I want the values generated by the command CurvatureAnalysis in the dialog after pressing the auto range button.

The curvature dialog takes samples of the curvature on an analysis mesh (lower buttons can help to adjust the mesh details). The minimum and maximum values are taken from that sampling.
So you’ll have to sample the surface as well in your Python code, either using an analysis mesh (I’m not sure how to do that in Python) or by stepping through the u- and v-parameter space in small increments and recording the minimum and maximum values.

Hi @Alexandru_Bichis,

There is not enough functionality exposed in RhinoCommon to do what you want. I have created an issue so we can add this functionality.

– Dale

Thank you for your reply.