Get BarDiameter from a rebar

I am sharing a script with which I have a couple of issues.
I assigned some numbers as a reference.

In case 1, since I am using a BuiltIn Parameter, it doesn’t work if i write:

using DB = Autodesk.Revit.DB;

but it works if I write

using Autodesk.Revit.DB;

Case 2 works fine but if I read the built-in parameter (which I don’t like)

Case 3 doesn’t work if I choose not to show “out”.

In case 5 I am getting the rebar diameter property of the RebarBarType.
I am trying to get it directly for the rebar, first the RebarBarType then the diameter, which is in case 4, but it doesn’t work.

Sorry for the long question and i hope someone will be able to help

Get rebar (11.3 KB)
Revit.rvt (6.7 MB)

Hi Drilon,

Is the question how to read the parameter of the Type using C#?

Hi Japhy,
The end goal is to create a C# component that gets as input the rebar and outputs the diameter (which is what case 2 is doing). What I don’t like in this is that I have to use :


and the output is not in the default units and I have to convert it manually.
What I want to do is to get RebarBarType of the input rebar and then for this, I can read BarDiameter.
Of course, if I can read Bar Diameter directly (without getting RebarBarType), it would be even better.

I need to use the first method shown in this post:

In order to get the Bar Diameter, you got to get the type first. BarModelDiameter method will give the result as a float. But the result still will be in Imperial units. I tried it in Python and still got the result in imperial.

Hi @drilonshabani,

In case 1, if you add an alias for the Autodesk.Revit.DB you need to use that alias to reference types on that namespace.

double elementParameter = myRebar.get_Parameter(DB.BuiltInParameter.REBAR_BAR_DIAMETER).AsDouble();

Case 4: BarDiameter is not a member of Autodesk.Revit.Structure.Rebar it is on Autodesk.Revit.Structure.RebarBarType.

Case 5: Same problem as case 1, you should use the full name from the alias.

DB.Structure.RebarBarType myRebarType = myRebar.Document.GetElement(myRebar.GetTypeId()) as DB.Structure.RebarBarType;

To convert to Rhino units you can do the following:

Diameter = UnitConverter.ConvertFromHostUnits(myRebarType.BarModelDiameter, RhinoDocument.ModelUnitSystem);

The oposite would be…

myRebarType.BarModelDiameter = UnitConverter.ConvertToHostUnits(Diameter, RhinoDocument.ModelUnitSystem);
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Thank you very much Kike.
It’s crazy that I wasn’t using UnitConverter.
I managed to get also RebarBarType from the Rebar element and then the Diameter from RebarBarType.

Hi @kike
Why can i no longer use UnitConverter?
Is there any other method now?

Hi @drilonshabani,

You have GeometryEncoder.ToInternalLength and GeometryDecoder.ToModelLength on the same class you are using to convert other kind of unit related values.

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Hello again @kike,

Has there been another change in the unit conversion? I guess there is no documentation for RIR API 2024 and I get the error that ‘ToModelLength’ does not exist in the namespace ‘RhinoInside.Revit.Convert.Geometry’ (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Everything look OK in this simple test

Please type systeminfo in the Rhino command line and post the result. Thanks!