Hello ShapeDiver Team,
I am experiencing difficulties to upload a model (I tried both STL and OBJ file formats) employing the ShapeDiverGeometryInput component. I did try to upload directly from my computer as well as via URL, however without any success.
Hi @ilmar_ik,
You need to double click in the ShapeDiverGeometryInput component and then check the obj file format. You can also allow dxf format and set the maximum file size as shown below:
@edsahergom thank you for your reply. I followed the steps that you have mentioned (ticked OBJ file format). It seems that I am able to load custom geometries now. However, the viewport after the upload operation is not updating (showing old geometry).
Here is an example model: https://app.shapediver.com/m/step1-model-upload