Gene Pools - Grasshopper


I’m not sure if this is the correct place to post this. But I just had a question on how Gene Pools work exactly. Like how does the component function. And how does it compare to how an actual gene pool would work? Any response would be lovely. Again, I apologize if this isn’t the correct place to post this kind of question.


Hello sailor!

You might want to read this thread from the good old forum.

Best regards,
Sir Ernest Shackleton

Hey Josh,
The Gene pool ideally works like a slide1- each slide within the gene pool acts like single gene.
For example- if you have 5 sliders inside the gene pool, this would mean you can output 5 gene values.(right click and change the value of randomize on the component to get a variation of result during a particular counter.
Note: you can apply conditions over the values produced by these genes and even stop/omit any value- basically nullify a particular or gene or perhaps use one of the gene as a master gene that controls other gene or Gene’s.
Hope this helps!
Mr A.