From vector fields to geodesics

geopattern.pdf (7.2 MB)


After reading a document about geodesic patterns (references attached) and ways of getting them, i’m trying to replicate one of the methods explained in this document which is the “sharpening” method on a grasshopper algorithm. The method consist in getting the vectors field of a surface and apply the “sharpening” method to get boundaries which will divide the “boy surface” into patches for fabrication purposes.

I tried first to get the vectors field using one of the algorithms by @DanielPiker (Principal curvature approximation on meshes) but didn’t work well (not sure if the input should me a mesh and not a surface as i did).

Second i looked over the internet to find more about the “sharpening” process applied in grasshopper algorithm but almost found nothing about that!

Any hints or help in that?!


Giving it casual glance, without reviewing your code, it seems that once you have the vectors fields for the surface, you can do a fair approximation of ‘sharpening’ by aligning the vectors to principal directions, for example if you were to align the vectors to the nearest 30 degree angle, or 45, then you would achieve the sharpening effect.

@fares did you ever continue these developments?