I’ve got a series of line segments, and then I want to extract the outer boundary from them and make a polygon.
As follow:
Hi -
Select all and run CurveBoolean
I’m sorry I left out some key information about my question. I use the GH python to creat a series of line segments, and then I want to creat a outer boundary polygon by line segments in GH.
Maybe look into a ‘concave’ hull?
Alternatively, if you’re able to join all those segments in a single polyline, then you could clean up intersections (including self-intersections) and keep ‘exterior’ segments?
if the segments are just disjointed lines, and if you are happy to use plugins, then Heteroptera and Fennec have viable components (see these two replies to the very same recent topic)
Thank you for your answers, learned a lot of methods. But the method, using Boundary Surfaces, KIM mentioned was the best solution for my problem.
Bad luck, I was using RH8_GH and there was a BUG in the script battery calling the existing battery in GH.
For example:
import ghpythonlib.components as ghcomp
NFP_polygon = ghcomp.BoundarySurfaces(curves)
I didn’t suggest this one thinking the segments intersecting would cause it to fail:
However I probably don’t even know how ‘boundary surface’ works haha
Me also in another thread… so it does work on these types of situations? I tried it in my example with just three intersecting lines and it didn’t work… Maybe I did something wrong, will try again.