Formula for adjusting Door Widths in Tables, Legends, Tags?

If the Va-specified width of a door is intended to be the actual door panel size, Va Door objects show door panels and swing lines 4" narrower than that.

If the Va-specified width of a door is intended to be a Rough Opening wider than the door by 2" (I understand this is universal for wood frame construction) then the door and swings depicted are still not correct: they’re 2" narrower than the door desired.

For my purposes, adjustments can be made within the use of Va (ie - always choose a size 4" wider than the door panel desired) to compensate for this and ensure that the swings shown match the sizes required. (Accurate scale depiction is essential for planning space: 2 doors whose swings show an accumulated 8" - or even just 4" - of space between one another but would actually collide isn’t workable for planning space accurately.)

The unworkable problem comes with Va’s automated door specifications, where the sizes specified don’t match the door size nor do they match what a typical desired rough opening size would be (door size as shown and desired plus 2"), but instead represent the desired door size plus 4". Is there a place to add a formula that will take 2" off of all the door widths automatically listed in Tables, Tags, and Legends? This is the simplest work-around I can think of. (It wouldn’t be effective if a designer put a note on a set of drawings asking a builder to “subtract 2” from every specified door width".)

(What would be best in the long term would be for Va to do as AutoCAD does: match the door panel and swing depicted to the specified door size. AutoCAD augments that with a lot of options to choose Rough Openings and create Casings and Mouldings in any Door Style, but Va could simply list the specified number in all the documentation as “Door Panel Size”. Unlike the unfeasible note from the previous paragraph It’d be quite effective to add a note specifying the clearance required for Rough Openings.)

Doors dimensions in VisualARQ specify their panel dimensions (not the rough openings). For example a 3’ wide door includes the rough opening and frame width.

If you have an example where this is not correct, please send it to me.
We may add the option in future versions to insert openings by their rough opening dimensions.

On the other hand it’s not possible right now to add formulas on Tables. You can do that in Excel after exporting the table with the vaTableExport command.

In Australia we refer to all our doors by thier leaf size… 870, 920, 970 etc (in mm). Very joiner centric, but it’s also a compliance item (driven by clear opening between the stops) so it makes sense to me to use leaf from that perspective too…

Not in my project. There’s a door in the plan I’ve just shared with you on Dropbox. I’ve changed the colour by object to red so you can recognize it. If the profile is set to “other” that door size lists as 3’-3 1/4" wide. But the panel measures 2’ -11 1/2" on the model. In fact,the illustration you posted shows a naming condition opposite from what you have described.

The problem with this, Francesc, is that all rough openings framing I know about in my part of the world (North America - I’m in Canada) add only 1" beyond the panel on each side for a total of 2" larger for the R.O. size. Va, as you show above, is adding 2" on each side; adding a total of 4" for the R.O. This is why I’m looking for a way to subtract from the sizes populating the automated documentation.

I’ve verified that (for the Va Feet Template, at least) the setup is to both name, display in both model and 2D views, and specify the width of a door by a Rough Opening size 4" wider than the door panel. There could be a number of ways to adjust this (eg: "Rough Opening Beyond Door Panel numericall input field) in the Opening Types’ style settings, but I can’t use it exactly as it is.

@djhg I might not be understanding it well, but in your model the Door Profile Width value matches with the opening width in the wall. By “Door Panel” dimensions I meant the whole door object (leaf+frames) And the rough opening matches with the leaf width, which is not currently a value you can enter, but the result of the total Profile Width less 2 times the width of the frame.

What if you change the Frame Width from the Door styles dialog? Does that solve this issue?

@djhg you have to excuse me. I was taking the “rough opening” meaning incorrectly in my answers.
So correcting my previous posts, I can say the Door Width and Height dimensions correspond to the door rough opening dimensions.
Saying that, are door/window Width/Height dimensions working properly?

Yes, adjusting the frame width works for both windows and doors. Thanks.

Now, If I’m asked to produce a schedule that lists the size of the actual door, can it be adjusted to do so?

Unfortunately it is not possible to automatically calculate the dimensions of the door leaf and schedule them in tables. You can only list the rough opening Width and Height, export the table to Excel and make the calculations there. We plan to include formulas in tables to do this kind of calculations in future versions.
This is a workaround you can try using custom parameters:

  1. Go to Rhino Document Properties > Parameters, and add 2 new Custom Parameters called for example “Panel Width” and Panel “Height”.
  2. Select the doors in the model and enter a value for the leaf Width and Height
  3. Go to the Table Styles dialog, add a new Property field, and select those custom parameters “Panel Width” and "Panel Height"to be listed in the table.
    Find attached in this link an animated gif that shows this process, only adding the “Panel Width” parameter:

I wouldn’t expect any programme can serve to every national building regulations. Unfortunately, users have to prepare their own models. Just like Francesc says: use the parameters, Luke. Here, in Poland we have the more complicated rules for doors and windows. The law regulations reffer to a “usable” dimensions (clearings), and this is translated as a width of a leaf. The global width of a door (with a frame) depends on its construction, while the width of an opening in a wall has to include some tolerance for assembly. So, we need 3 different dimensions (in every direction) for the single element. It is quite obvious and natural. To keep these settings I prepare blocks and parameters of my own.
Regards, Jaro

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To follow up on this post, the update property component in grasshopper makes it possible to take an existing door, read and subtract the frame width, and publish this number back into the door in a custom parameter (using _DocumentPropoerties ). I’ve attached a sample script. Note that you have to make the custom parameter first. (15.1 KB)

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